Sunday, July 28, 2013

Game Changing National Endorsement for Congressional Candidate April Freeman

Game Changing National Endorsement for Congressional Candidate April Freeman

A Game Changing National Endorsement has come through for April Freeman's run at the U.S. House of Representative's seat in Florida's 19th District against incumbent Trey Radel. 

DEMOCRATS ADVANCING PROGRESSIVE ACTION in CONGRESS aka DAPAC started in 2000 and targets the most promising Congressional districts in the nation, using the most up to date electoral and demographic data available focusing primarily on helping progressives in swing districts that have Republican incumbents. They typically assist about a dozen progressive candidates every election cycle and are the only group in the country that helps Progressive Democrat candidates with every aspect of their campaign. As a consequence, they have a very high success rate in actually unseating the incumbent Republican and getting progressive Democrats elected to Congress.

DAPAC was the driving force behind United States Senator Martin Heinrich of NM and United States Representatives; Alan Grayson FL-08, Michelle Lujan Grisham, MN-01, Bruce Braley IA-1, Joe Courtney CT-1, Martin Heinrich NM-1, Jim Hines CT-4, Paul Hodes NH-2, Mary Jo Kilroy OH-15, Gary Peters MI-9, Chellie Pingree ME-1, Jared Polis CO-2, Allyson Schwarts PA-13, Joe Sestak PA-7, John Yarmouth KY-3. Most recently, DAPAC was involved in the campaign of Elizabeth Colbert-Bush. 

All DAPAC candidates are pro-choice, support stronger LBGT rights, support working family and union rights, support honest and Democratic markets and businesses, support publicly funded universal healthcare, support environmental protection, oppose the Patriot Act, oppose the Iraq War and oppose the Death Penalty.

April Freeman said, "I'm proud and excited to have the backing and endorsement from DAPAC. Over the past few months I've been working hard traveling, training and aligning myself with national organizations and groups, so I can run this campaign with confidence knowing I have the education, support and backing needed to win this district. Now I feel I can get down to the real work of raising the money it's going to take to make this happen."